#845 What is garage sale junk for one is treasure for another

I always like going to a yard sale. Or is it called a garage sale? I just asked my girl and she said she calls it a garage sale if Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
I always like going to a yard sale. Or is it called a garage sale? I just asked my girl and she said she calls it a garage sale if Continue Reading →
Halloween is probably my favorite holiday even though it has changed so much in the, uh-hum, 40 some odd years I have been involved with it. In fact, I like Continue Reading →
I have written in the past how Black Friday is a scam and how Black Friday was a deliberate invention of the National Association of Retailers to create a sense Continue Reading →
According to the Las Vegas Sun and the Las Vegas Review-Journal, IKEA is finally setting up shop in Las Vegas…and that makes me smile. What is an IKEA you ask? Continue Reading →
It is amazing what some people will do to get a good parking spot. I am sure you have seen it too. People will drive around the lot looking for Continue Reading →