#892 IKEA is finally coming to my town. Yippee!

According to the Las Vegas Sun and the Las Vegas Review-Journal, IKEA is finally setting up shop in Las Vegas…and that makes me smile. What is an IKEA you ask? Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
According to the Las Vegas Sun and the Las Vegas Review-Journal, IKEA is finally setting up shop in Las Vegas…and that makes me smile. What is an IKEA you ask? Continue Reading →
I was sitting in my office wondering if they serve tiramisu at Disneyland Tokyo when suddenly I realized there was a loud humming outside my window. The sound had slowly Continue Reading →
It all started when I was researching the history of German Chocolate Cake for a previous post. I came to realize that German Chocolate Cake was actually invented in America Continue Reading →
A petit four, also know as mignardises, is a small confectionery or savoury appetizer. The name is French, meaning “small oven”. The petit four were traditionally made in a smaller Continue Reading →
Some of us live in a very hectic world yet one thing that always makes me smile and relax a little is a beautiful koi pond. Like I said in Continue Reading →