#839 Fake plants create real smiles

The Beauty of Realistic Fake Plants Sitting in a restaurant a couple of weeks ago, I found myself marveling at how well their plants looked. There were a lot of Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
The Beauty of Realistic Fake Plants Sitting in a restaurant a couple of weeks ago, I found myself marveling at how well their plants looked. There were a lot of Continue Reading →
Something about the Joshua Tree always makes me smile. No, I am not talking about one of the greatest rock and roll albums of all-time by Irish rock band U2. Continue Reading →
I have only seen bats flying about in nature a few times in my life and it has been one of the most amazing and magical things I have ever Continue Reading →
Living in the high desert offers a bunch of different challenges, one of which being the big temperature swings. This takes its toll not only on people and animals but Continue Reading →