#883 Do mermaids exist? I believe they do. I have ‘proof’.

In a previous post I introduced you to my friend Little Woo and her Follow Your Fetish series. Like me she really likes mermaids. You can read about her Mermaid Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
In a previous post I introduced you to my friend Little Woo and her Follow Your Fetish series. Like me she really likes mermaids. You can read about her Mermaid Continue Reading →
I love going to places where there is free WiFi. I don’t have a Magic 8 Ball crystal ball yet I see a day when there will be free WiFi Continue Reading →
Last night we went to see Spazmatics at South Point casino. The show was a lot of fun and every one seemed to be having a good time but the Continue Reading →
It is amazing what some people will do to get a good parking spot. I am sure you have seen it too. People will drive around the lot looking for Continue Reading →