#826 A slow cooker – the best kitchen appliance ever!

The cooler weather is here and for many of us, that means it’s time to break out the slow cooker and start thinking of some wholesome, delicious recipes. It seems Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
The cooler weather is here and for many of us, that means it’s time to break out the slow cooker and start thinking of some wholesome, delicious recipes. It seems Continue Reading →
I remember sitting in my room listening to the album over and over again. I could almost recite it in its entirety. Back then Bill Cosby was so funny to Continue Reading →
A petit four, also know as mignardises, is a small confectionery or savoury appetizer. The name is French, meaning “small oven”. The petit four were traditionally made in a smaller Continue Reading →
One of the neat things about cooking, and especially baking, is there are so many different ways to create the ‘same’ thing. Take for instance German Chocolate Cake. Look in Continue Reading →
For some reason some things just get stuck in my head. Sort of like that song asking who let the dogs out or the one that tries to teach us Continue Reading →