#893 Going to a Las Vegas 51s baseball game

Last night Brenna and I decided to take in a Las Vegas 51s baseball game. The temps in Las Vegas are usually too high during the summer so hitting the Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
Last night Brenna and I decided to take in a Las Vegas 51s baseball game. The temps in Las Vegas are usually too high during the summer so hitting the Continue Reading →
Every year at back to school time I would head to the stationary store and pick up a dozen or so Pee Chee folders. I still have many memories of Continue Reading →
Last night we went to see Spazmatics at South Point casino. The show was a lot of fun and every one seemed to be having a good time but the Continue Reading →
On these warm summer days one of my favorite activities is kite flying. I remember going to Seal Beach or Long Beach as a youth and flying my kite as Continue Reading →
I remember once while in the Army in Wiesbaden, Germany I ran into my First Sergeant at the grocery store. He looked into my cart and saw a pair of Continue Reading →