#811 Starlight? Smile bright!

Twinkle, Twinkle Lots of Stars Have you ever seen a really starry sky? A sky were there is so much starlight where there seems to be more star than sky? Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
Twinkle, Twinkle Lots of Stars Have you ever seen a really starry sky? A sky were there is so much starlight where there seems to be more star than sky? Continue Reading →
What is your favorite part about going to the beach? Is it the sunshine and warm water? The people watching? For me, it’s the sand between my toes. That’s a Continue Reading →
The Beauty of Realistic Fake Plants Sitting in a restaurant a couple of weeks ago, I found myself marveling at how well their plants looked. There were a lot of Continue Reading →
By a show of hands, how many of you have hung a bird feeder in your backyard, filled it with that high quality (read expensive) seed only to have it Continue Reading →
I have written about Lucky Bamboo and the luck it could bring to your home or business but there are many other uses for bamboo. Bamboo is very interesting in Continue Reading →