#836 New socks keep me smiling from head to toe

Have you ever gotten dressed really early in the morning when it was still dark? I think we all have and out of respect for our spouse, we don’t turn Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
Have you ever gotten dressed really early in the morning when it was still dark? I think we all have and out of respect for our spouse, we don’t turn Continue Reading →
Can you remember a Christmas morning or maybe a birthday when you were lucky enough to get that special toy you were always wanting when all of a sudden you Continue Reading →
Take a look around you. What is it that you see? Perhaps I don’t yet know you and I don’t know your circumstances though what I do know is that Continue Reading →
With the middle of winter on its way, the days are getting colder and, with many of us getting older, we are feeling it more and more. You know when Continue Reading →
One of my favorite parts of the winter holiday season is not all of the holiday glitz and glam that is usually strung about. The one thing that I love Continue Reading →