#819 Hello Kitty hot chocolate warms my heart

Just before Halloween I saw something at the store I just knew I had to try- Hello Kitty hot chocolate. I grabbed a can, paid for it and knowing I Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
Just before Halloween I saw something at the store I just knew I had to try- Hello Kitty hot chocolate. I grabbed a can, paid for it and knowing I Continue Reading →
It’s that time of year again, the holidays where we get together with others, share stories and feel the spirit of the season. What’s your favorite part of the holidays? Continue Reading →
Yesterday I found myself at the hardware store and they were already pulling the Christmas displays out of the back. As I made my way through the store, I saw Continue Reading →
Last November, I found one of the coolest, most unique, if not slightly macabre, things I had ever seen. It was at a Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) Continue Reading →
Taking a vacation makes us all happy, but to me, the best part of my vacation is spent sitting by the hotel pool, relaxing with a drink in my hand. Continue Reading →