#783 Tournament of Roses Parade floats

The best part of New Year’s Day is definitely the Tournament of Roses Parade floats. Floats for the New Year’s Day Tournament of Roses Parade have evolved from horse carriages Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
The best part of New Year’s Day is definitely the Tournament of Roses Parade floats. Floats for the New Year’s Day Tournament of Roses Parade have evolved from horse carriages Continue Reading →
Chances are, if you take a look around your house, you will find a snow globe. You know, those little crystal ball looking things with a diorama inside of anything Continue Reading →
Living in Las Vegas we don’t really have silver white winters that melt into springs. By most peoples standards we do not even have silver white winters. Or maybe even Continue Reading →
Is there a person on earth that doesn’t love holidays? In addition to days off from work and school it is a time filled with festivity, warmth and the holiday Continue Reading →
Happiness has a funny way to express itself, I mean it often happens that the thing that you least expected would put a smile on your face. This is exactly Continue Reading →