#809 Sea Turtle has my heart swimming

I like animals; whether they live on land or in the sea, I like them all. I don’t think there isn’t one animal that doesn’t make me smile but the Continue Reading →
1000 Things That Make Me Smile
I like animals; whether they live on land or in the sea, I like them all. I don’t think there isn’t one animal that doesn’t make me smile but the Continue Reading →
Who doesn’t remember staying up late at a sleep over with your trusty flashlight making imaginary animals on the wall out of your hand shadows? I can remember being up Continue Reading →
By a show of hands, how many of you have hung a bird feeder in your backyard, filled it with that high quality (read expensive) seed only to have it Continue Reading →
According to Wikipedia, seahorse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes from the genus Hippocampus which comes from the Ancient Greek hippos meaning “horse” and kampos Continue Reading →
Mother’s Cookies is a company that originally had a bakery based in Oakland, California, which operated between 1914 and 2008. A sister company, Archway Cookies of Battle Creek, Michigan, was Continue Reading →