When I was a little boy, my sister and I used to go to the farm of my father’s friend, Mr. Salzburg in the summer. I’d spend the day playing and helping around the farm. Mr. Salzburg had some livestock and grew some vegetables and he would sell milk, eggs and the vegetables in the nearby market. One of my favorite things on his farm were the ponies; since I was a little boy I could not exactly ride the bigger horses but the ponies were perfect for my size and so in the afternoon Mr. Salzburg would take me to the stables and get me a pony which I would ride. One of my favorites was one of the cream colored ponies named Chester. He was this bundle of joy and always full of energy and I had a great time with him. Eventually as I got older and bigger, I could ride horses but I still remember Chester and made sure he was cared for.
Years later when we had become adults, my sister had a daughter of her own. As her daughter got older she expressed an interest in riding horses but she was still little and would not be able to ride one. My sister tried explaining but the little one was quite stubborn and we ended up taking her to Mr. Salzburg’s farmhouse. The trip was quite nostalgic and I ended up reliving memories from childhood. As we got there and had some time to visit, we went to see the horses which were obviously too big for the girl. However I had a plan to get her on a pony instead. Mr. Salzburg was with us and he showed us the ponies. I couldn’t believe my eyes as before me was another cream colored pony which looked exactly like Chester. It brought back all those memories I had spent with Chester as a little boy, all the time we spent riding and galloping around the farm, but what happened next was truly unexpected because Allison chose that very pony to ride. I helped her set up and guided her through the basics and eventually they developed a nice pace at which they rode and it was truly one of the best moments of my life watching young Allison going through the same things that made my childhood so great.
Eventually my sister and I also joined her on the field with our horses and had a great time galloping around the place under the watchful and approving eyes of Mr. Salzburg. Sometimes it is important to go back to your roots because we lose sight of what we are every now and then and reliving old memories gives us a glimpse of the past and reminds us who we are and what’s important. Spending time on that farm makes me feel like a little kid again, and now me and the little one have something in common which links us together: Cream Colored Ponies.
Have you ridden a horse?
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[easyazon_link identifier=”B00A8DJ06O” locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]Melissa & Doug Show-Horse Stable[/easyazon_link] from Melissa and Doug.
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