Do you remember this wine bottle opener?
Or maybe this one?
Ugh! I could never quite get these right. I usually knock the bottle over or break the cork or hurt myself. Either way, not very sexy. Why has opening a bottle of wine got to be so difficult? Using a corkscrew should not be so hard. I don’t know how those sommeliers get it right all the time.
(They probably read Secrets of the Sommeliers: How to Think and Drink Like the World’s Top Wine Professionals.)
Then one day I discovered a new type of wine opener much different than those other old time corkscrew gadgets I was used to. I was in Cyprus when a friend said he wanted to introduce me to a drink called Tsikoudia from Crete and is similar to the famous Greek spirit of Ouzo. But first we would drink some wine and he produced this crazy looking contraption. It is called the Rabbit wine opener. It opens a bottle of wine in seconds and works perfectly every time. And that always makes me smile.
The Rabbit wine opener gets its name from its bunny-like apperance since it has two handles that look like rabbit ears. In a lightning quick three seconds, you can have your wine bottle opened with the Rabbit. Yep. Three seconds!
How does it work?
1) Start by squeezing the rabbit ears around the top of the bottle then pushing down the lever-handle which forces a spiral down into the cork.
2) Next the handle is pulled up along with the cork.
3) The cork is then ejected by pushing the handle back down in one easy movement.
The other thing that is cool is the Rabbit wine opener is the type that will give you that satisfying “pop” sound as it opens which is always worth a smile as well. Whether a wooden cork or synthetic cork, it doesn’t matter. Quick and easy work.
Then onto the whole point in the exercise –
sharing a glass of your favorite vintage and a smile with a friend or two!
Have you ever used the Rabbit wine bottle opener? Do you prefer a different type of corkscrew? Do you have a favorite vintage of wine? Click here to leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.
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[easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”center” asin=”B00NB40MSW” cloaking=”default” height=”28″ key=”small-light” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”1ksmiles-20″ width=”120″]Rabbit Wine Opener [/easyazon_cta]