“I notice that about you. You like to be early,” she said.
“It is not that I like to be early. It is just that I dislike to be late. My First Sergeant in the Army said, ‘Never be late. Not even by one minute because one minute can mean a failed mission and the death of your men,’ which is certainly not cool,” I replied.
So now I always leave way too early for everything. I feel as if I have to account for the fact there may be traffic or a detour or some ducklings crossing the road or who knows what. 99% of the time I have to sit around after I arrive and wait. But I am prepared for that as well as I always have my Kindle reader with me and I can catch up on reading a Richard Branson or Tony Robbins book or read my Feedly posts. I am prepared to make good use of the ‘extra’ time but every once in a while…
…and I worry I am going to be late. And you know what happens when you are late right? The Man writes you a counselling statement or you have to wait longer for the doctor to see you (Although he is always late too. How, by the way, is the doctor always late when I have the first appointment of the day?) Or worse yet, you have to go see the First Sergeant.
You know what makes me happy and makes me smile? Those times when there is a ton of traffic because everyone is slowing down to look at the cop give the driver a ticket or the road is closed and I have to go so far out of my way and I make it on time anyway. I just sit in my Ferrari 1979 Toyota Tercel and smile.
Those are the rare times when I am grateful I always leave early.
What do you do to pass the time while stuck in traffic? Click here to leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.
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Here is a book by Colonel William R. Saunders to help you get ‘unstuck’:
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