I am at a point in my life where once again I have long hair. It has finely gotten to a length I like it.
Did you ever have one of those days where there was just absolutely nothing you could do to get your hair looking ‘just right’? One of those days when it is just easier and probably better for everyone if you just wore a beanie or a ball cap?
Hair is interesting. There is a pretty informative article at WebMD that will tell you all sorts of lovely things about hair. There we learn the average rate of growth is around one-half inch per month. Armed with that knowledge you could say it has been… oh, quite a while since I got a haircut.
Today I interviewed with some potential partners and due to the nature of the contract I probably would be required to cut my long hair, which got me to thinking about, well, hair.
Why is it about our hair and why does it matter so much? Sure, it has a lot to do with our ego I think. People judge us by our appearance and the hair makes up a big part of our appearance. Actually, even lack of hair has it’s own way of showing our style to others. I was watching the James Bond film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service which had Telly Savalas as one of the villains at that beautiful restaurant called Piz Gloria in Switzerland. Remember him? He had no hair. I also watched an episode of Hotel Impossible starring Anthony Melchiorri, one of the most sought after hotel “fixers” in the country. Anthony is also bald. So are many others obviously yet I could not help to think how impressive these men are with no hair.
Still, I prefer the Richard Branson style. Long and flowing. Maybe I brushed it today. Maybe not. Who knows? Either way, it looks clean and fresh. And if it works for Richard Branson it works for me!
So to the point what is it that makes me smile about hair? It is not the hair exactly. It is looking good regardless of if you rock it long like me and Richard and Zakk Wylde or if you keep it short or shaved like Jason Statham and Daniel Craig.
Yes, good hair days make me smile.
So what do you think? Is Donald Trump’s hair real? Let me know what you think and why in the comments. Would love to hear from you.
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