#945 When your dog is happy to see you return

Almost every day I leave the house and sadly, most of the time our dog has to stay home. I wonder what she thinks about when I leave? I am pretty sure she sleeps most of the time as she does when I am actually at home. When I leave does a dog wonder when or if we will ever come back? Does a dog just sort of assume that we will return eventually? I wonder if a dog has an actual sense of time? (How Stuff Works has the answer if you are interested.)

happy white dog sitting

Whatever the answer to all these questions, one thing is for sure, when I return from wherever I had to go there is always a big welcome home greeting when I return. Our dog will come running to the door and stand on the other side until I come into the house. A little bark which I imagine is her saying “Welcome back” and a sniff of my pant legs, a little ‘happy dance’ and then back to her dog bed or whatever it was she was doing.

And that makes me smile.

happy white dog running

Does your dog, or maybe even your cat, greet you with a big “Welcome home” when you return from work or some other event that made you leave them? Click here to leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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To more easily understand your pet,
pick up [easyazon_link identifier=”B00B4DKYX0″ locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]Dog Behavior: Understanding Dog Body Language[/easyazon_link] on Amazon today!

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