I wonder if you remember that movie from a few years back called “Larry The Cable Guy: Health Inspector”? In the movie Larry is a big city restaurant health inspector with questionable practices and his own way of doing things. Local public health departments regularly inspect businesses serving food to ensure restaurants and other food retail outlets are following safe food handling procedures. It all happens just like it does in that movie. OK. Maybe not exactly like that. Still, at the bakery I work at we do get the random health inspection by a local restaurant health inspector. Local laws regulate how frequently a health inspection will take place, and what specific items the inspectors look for but, in general, environmental health inspectors check that safeguards are in place to protect food from contamination by food handlers, cross-contamination, and contamination from other sources in the restaurant.
Some examples of things they look for during the health inspection includes ensuring I regularly wash my hands in a sink equipped with soap, hot water and paper towels, although they do not make me sing the Happy Birthday Song twice, which is about how long you should wash your hands. They do, however, make sure utensils and surfaces that contact raw meat are not used to prepare ready-to-eat foods and that rodents and other pests are not present. You know, that sort of stuff that you would like to think all restaurants and places you buy or eat your food at are complying with.
I mean when you eat something this delicious you want to know it was prepared in a clean and healthy environment right?
So the restaurant health inspectors perform their health inspection and reports at restaurants (or bakery or cafe or 7-11 or whatever) to make sure that the food storage and preparation meets safety and sanitation regulations. In addition to their visual inspections, the restaurant health inspectors may take samples of foods, ingredients, and on surfaces to make sure that all meet or exceed the health guidelines established for the food service industry. (Note that I said “take samples”. Please note: Do not offer them samples. That is frowned upon and may be considered a bribe. Don’t ask me how I know this. LOL)
The reports generated by the restaurant health inspection can be ordered from your local health department, or many local health departments are now making the reports of these inspectors available online so consumers can make their own educated choices on where to eat. They also make us put these types of placards up in the establishment so you can see the establishment’s score without having to go online. Many places put them in the front window but they must be placed somewhere they can be easily seen by all.
The inspectors come in at random times without warning. This is a great way to do it. Unlike in the Army when they would tell us a day in advance the Base Commander was coming around. This way the health inspector can see what is really going on.
A few months ago our health inspector popped round. It was the first time this particular health inspector had visited us as she was newly assigned to the area. She wandered around doing her thing, looking in every corner and behind every work station. She whipped out her thermometer to check temperatures. She even tried the classic health inspector move on me. She asked to see my food handler safety card which we all have to have on our person when we are in the kitchen. I keep mine in my wallet so I had to stop working and show her my card. Since I have a manager level of training and carry that advanced designation on my card I knew what she was waiting for. After I put the card away and before I return to handling the super tasty desserts we make, I must wash my hands properly. Failure to do so results in some embarrassing demerits. She probably knew I know that and I could feel my chef smiling as I passed the test.
The health inspector wandered around some more looking for things she could bust us on ways to help us improve. She found nothing. Zero. Ziltch. We got a perfect score!
Like I said they come by at random times and as we did not expect to see her again so soon, it was surprising to see her again just the other day. Still there she was suddenly appearing at the counter with her badge and clip board and thermometer. I guess she showed up again so soon to see if we let our guard down as many of those other places might do. Not us. I think we were even better than last time. This time her inspection took half as long and she said again she could not find a single violation in the bakery. Yeah team!
Getting an ‘A’ on our restaurant health inspection and knowing we are serving tasty and healthy treats and food at the bakery always makes me, and the owners, smile.
Do you work in a food service establishment? Have you ever seen a health inspection take place? Are you a health inspector? Click here to leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.
“Taking cues from modern art’s most revered artists, these twenty-seven showstopping desserts exhibit the charm and sophistication of works by Andy Warhol, Cindy Sherman, Henri Matisse, Jeff Koons, Roy Lichtenstein, Richard Avedon, Wayne Thiebaud, and more. Featuring an image of the original artwork alongside a museum curator’s perspective on the original piece and detailed, easy-to-follow directions (with step-by-step assembly guides adapted for home bakers), Modern Art Desserts will inspire a kitchen gallery of stunning treats.”
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