#827 Inflatable lawn decorations

Yesterday I found myself at the hardware store and they were already pulling the Christmas displays out of the back. As I made my way through the store, I saw that it was more than just Christmas displays, it was the inflatables! That’s the best part of the holidays; those large inflatable lawn decorations in the form of reindeer, Santa and snowmen that everyone has in their front yards now days!

Inflatable lawn decorations group christmas halloween

When I was growing up, my favorite part of the holiday season was the day I got to help my dad put up our inflatable lawn decorations. We had a Santa and a Frosty the Snowman. As I recall they had a sturdy cardboard base which housed a fan motor which forced air into the inflatable and there was a 60 watt light bulb inside the decoration to light it up. I remember that fan being pretty loud really. Nowadays the fans are much quieter and the incandescent bulbs have been replaced with LEDs. Much nicer.

If your neighborhood is anything like mine, these inflatable lawn decorations adorn the front yards of everyone’s home from late September to the middle of January. From Santa and Rudolph, to the Great Pumpkin, a turkey and a stack of presents, inflatable lawn decorations characterize the holidays in their own cheerful way. Who could pass up putting one or two in their front lawn?

Inflatable lawn decorations snow globe with man christmas halloween thanksgiving

Look how happy this neighbor is next to his inflatable snow globe.

I usually have two or three of them all going at the same time, their air pumps quietly whirring in the background as trick-or-treaters arrive or the first snow begins to fall. (Yeah right. Who am I kidding? I live in Las Vegas but if there was snow…) Just as tinsel and strings of popcorn were a thing back in the 1950s, inflatable lawn decorations are today’s hottest trend. I like them so much, I’ll even drive to other neighborhoods just to get a peek at what they have on display. (I think I read somewhere that thou shall not covet they neighbor’s inflatable lawn decorations but I may be wrong.)

I have seen them becoming more popular at Halloween time. Some of the neighbors have inflatable lawn decorations in the shape of pumpkins. I think I am going to get the scary black cat,
Inflatable lawn decorations reindeer christmas halloween thanksgiving

What about you? Do you have any inflatable lawn decorations that you put up in your yard during the holiday seasons? If you do, then I commend you and send you a virtual pat on the back and a glass of eggnog for making your neighbors, people driving by and children of all ages smile and feel that holiday spirit.

Now if you will excuse me I am going to log into Amazon and see what is new this year. Maybe I will finally get that R2-D2 from Star Wars wearing a stocking cap or the New Year Baby! Or… Maybe I can find one of Hello Kitty.

Inflatable lawn decorations new year baby christmas halloween amazon

Do you have inflatable lawn decorations in your yards? Click here to leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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Get your own [easyazon_link identifier=”B00P224S6I” locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]inflatable lawn decorations[/easyazon_link] today and in time for the holiday season.

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