#825 Lowrider is the one to meet

Let’s see a show of hands of how many people turn their heads and notice when a cool car drives by. Now what about when a lowrider goes by? I’ll bet there are a lot more hands up now. We all see cool cars every day, from vintage and hot rods, to exotic and luxury cars, but none of them are quite as special as the lowrider. With its deep metal flake paint that sparkles in the sun, to its plush interior complete with gold trimmed everything, the lowrider turn heads.

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Why is that? What makes a lowrider more special than anything else on the road? Is it because they have [easyazon_link identifier=”B0048ZGU4S” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]a song[/easyazon_link] written about them? The fuzzy dice? Their own [easyazon_link identifier=”B006MJ4S0G” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]Kindle magazine[/easyazon_link] you can subscribe to? Maybe it the horn that plays La Cucaracha every time one pulls up. I say it could be all of the above and then some. How about the way a lowrider with full hydraulics seems to dance in parking lots and at car shows? Or maybe it could be the attention that is put into building each one and how much the owners care for these cars.

Check out this article at MadeMan.com about the 5 Best Custom Lowriders.

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Whatever it is about lowriders that make us smile, it’s not like any other car on the road. If you have ever ridden in one, you will know what I mean about them being very low to the ground and the ride being as plush as your old couch. Many lowrider builders will install sound systems that are so loud they can be heard from blocks away.

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As you can see, the appeal for lowriders has something for everyone. Looks, performance, showmanship and sound, lowriders are special in many ways and they are one of the only cars that will put a smile on my face as wide as their brightly chromed bumpers. Visit your local car show and look for the lowrider section. They will be the cars with the biggest crowds around them and everyone with a smile on their face.

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Have you ever seen a lowrider? Do you own one? Click here to leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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Get you own lowrider today!

Check out this model on Amazon.

[easyazon_link identifier=”B0000DEWB1″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]Revell 1:25 ’64 Chevy Impala Hardtop Lowrider 2 `n 1[/easyazon_link]

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”261″ identifier=”B0000DEWB1″ locale=”US” nw=”y” src=”https://www.1ksmiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/41zAAJlKUYL.jpg” tag=”1ksmiles-20″ width=”450″]

[easyazon_cta align=”center” identifier=”B0000DEWB1″ key=”wide-orange” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]

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