In an earlier post I said that whenever I go into a used book store or into the out of circulation book shop at the library I have to go to the cooking section and look at the vintage cookbooks. Not only do I love the artwork and the graphics in the old cookbooks but there is something else about old books- that old book smell.
You take a deep breath in and a flood of childhood memories come tumbling back. Adventure, romance, insight and discovering a new world all from some simple words typed out neatly in a sturdy hardcover book. Calm, relaxation and pure enjoyment just from that distinguishable old book smell. Is it just me, or is there something truly magical about stepping foot into those old mom and pop bookstores that just makes you feel warm and fuzzy? It is hard to explain just what an old book smell is like. Sure it has its notes of grass or cardboard mixed in with a little dust, but why do old books seem to have such a distinctive smell that can instantly melt any book lover’s heart?
There is actually a science that can explain the old book smell and why it is so familiar yet indescribable and so different from the smell of new cookbooks or any books for that matter. Many can have grassy notes with a subtle aroma of vanilla and this is due to the volatile organic compounds that went into the pages, inks and adhesives used to complete the book. As the book aged the volatile organic compounds will have broken down and this releases chemicals into the air. If the smell of an old book seems to have an almond aroma it is due to the benzaldehyde used and if you smell the vanilla aroma this is because vanilin was used. Maybe the reason we feel so relaxed and happy around older books is because some can even omit a sweeter smell. This tends to happen when toluene and ethylbenzene has been used in the book design. You may even encounter some floral aromas escaping from your old books due to the use a 2-ethyl hexanol chemicals.
The smell of an old book can also tell a little bit about where the book has been and the care it has received. Many books will also retain some of the odors from their surroundings. Smoke smells from cigarettes or fires can linger in the pages. The fragrance of flowers that were once pressed between its pages can remain, maybe from a wedding decades ago. A musty smell from water damage or neglect can also remain within the pages and cover of the books for years. These other aromas can stay with a book for years and years and tell a different story of its own.
Although technology such as the [easyazon_link identifier=”B00OQVZDJM” locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]Kindle Paperwhite[/easyazon_link] have begun to take over the way we read it is a poor substitute for the bliss that one can get from taking in the refreshing and exhilarating breath from your favorite old book. That old book smell is actually a quite popular aroma that you can find in various candles, sprays and incense. The next time you open up that old classic you want to revisit take a moment to enjoy the complex aroma it gives off.
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