I am so excited today! I just got a delivery from Amazon (no, it didn’t make it by drone but I was hoping) and, having ordered it just two days ago, was surprised to see it already. Let’s back this story up just a bit and you’ll see why I am so excited about this little brown box.
I have always been interested in the ocean and not being able to live under the ocean like a mermaid (c’mon science, what’s the hold up on this?) I went with the next best thing, an aquarium. And not just any aquarium, I got [easyazon_link identifier=”B010C64M3M” locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]the granddaddy of aquariums[/easyazon_link]; a 133 gallon behemoth that can hold as many fish as I want to put in there! It’s got coral reefs, that little Nemo fish from [easyazon_link identifier=”B00BG0RSJ4″ locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]Finding Nemo[/easyazon_link] and all of the bells and whistles. The one thing it was missing was a little flair. It had to have that special something that would make me smile every time I walked by it. Contrary to popular belief, the clown fish just wasn’t doing it.
My aquarium needed one of those little treasure chests that open and close via air bubbles. I have always loved those fish tank toys even when I was a kid. I used to have one in my goldfish bowl and it was the coolest thing to see. Honestly, I think I would watch that more than I would watch the fish. I would pretend that I was a pirate and that treasure chest was being guarded by a shiver of Great White sharks. I used to pass the time daydreaming for hours watching that tiny hatch open and close and see the bubbles rising to the top of the tank.
When I saw one just like it on Amazon a couple of days ago, I just had to have it! Without hesitation, I ordered one right away! I also had to get the skeleton that sits up and lays back down. That one is cool and always reminds me of Disneyland. I think it’s time I opened it and placed it in its rightful position at the bottom of my fish tank. I am smiling from ear to ear just thinking about it! So that’s it for today, I’ve got some daydreaming to do!
Did you ever have any of these fish tank toys in your aquarium? What did you have? Leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.
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