#798 Whiskers on Kittens

My friend Jimmy is in town and in another post, he shared a story about how raindrops on roses rekindled a cold romance. This time he shares with us a tale of a how whiskers on kittens helped save his life. Take it away Jimmy…

“When I was a little boy we had this cat that was a rescue. We found it taking shelter in the garage and it was pretty small and looked as it hadn’t had food for a long time. We took it in; fed and cared for the little fur ball and after some time it was a healthy and happy little ball of fun and love. I spent a lot of time with that little kitten as a kid and it had this thing where it would come and rub its face on my legs and its whiskers would tickle me. It was its way of letting me know it wanted to be petted and rubbed.

whiskers on kittens sound of music swezey

As time passed I grew up and I moved out to another town leaving the now fully grown cat behind. I missed that cat dearly but as I was really busy with my life I wouldn’t have had time to take care of it properly so it was probably best to leave it behind at home where someone would take care of her. I made a few friends at work and we hung out every once in a while. They were good people and we had fun whenever we were together, but I still missed my kitten as she had been like my best friend for a long time. One day I found out that my friend was transferring to the company’s office over in the next state as he had gotten promoted, and he told me that he had recently adopted a pair of kittens and was wondering if I would be willing to take them in. I agreed and over the course of a couple of days he prepared for the move and when he was leaving he showed up to my place to drop off the kittens. One looked a lot like my kitten from my childhood so I was pretty ecstatic about having these little fur balls of excitement. Over the next few days I tried to bond with the kittens but made little progress as they were still distant and more curious in playing with each other and exploring their new home. I was a little disheartened but still determined because I assumed they still needed time to get used to the surroundings and me. About a week later I got into an accident at work and I got a fracture in my leg, so I was bedridden for a while.

It got me into a funk because I couldn’t get around and was just stuck at home and this caused me to become a little depressed. One day when I was able to get around a little bit, I could wobble my way to the living room on my crutches. I was watching TV and was feeling pretty bad until I felt something soft tickle my ankle. I leaned over and I saw those little kittens rubbing its face on my leg and that tickling was because of the whiskers on kittens and all those memories came back and I felt like that little boy again. It got me out of that funk and I made a full recovery and that thing that I felt I lost, I felt as if I got it again like I got my best friend back after all those years. All it took was whiskers on kittens to realize that.”

whiskers on kittens sound of music

Have you ever felt the tickling of whiskers on kittens? Leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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