#793 Crisp apple strudel

I have a bit of a sweet tooth, which might answer why I became a pastry chef, and when you think about it, we all have one to some extent. I guess it can be because I grew up on my mother’s cooking who made, and still makes, amazing sweets and desserts. Now growing up I was a stubborn child and often threw tantrums when made to eat something that I didn’t want to, particularly vegetables. (Who am I kidding? I am still not a fan of vegetables. But I am learning.) But my mother had a trick in which she’d bribe me with dessert if I finished my plate and since I wanted the dessert I had to eat the veggies. She always had something new and totally delicious made every time and I often found myself wondering what she made next and before you know it I was head over heels for my mother’s desserts.

crisp apple strudel apple wild side confections

She often experimented with different cuisines as sometimes she made Asian, sometimes European and sometimes Middle Eastern. One day when I was a teen in high school I was going through a difficult time socially as I had a fight with my best friend and that dampened my spirits quite a bit. I felt horrible and no matter what I did I couldn’t feel better. One day I was watching TV in the living room when I smelt this mouth watering aroma coming from the kitchen and before I knew it I was on my way to find out what it was. I sat at the table and my mother presented this delicious Crisp Apple Strudel in front of me, I guess it was European experimental week going on. As I took the first bite explosions of flavor went off in my mouth and by far this was the most delicious thing my mother had ever made. My foul mood forgotten, I found myself feasting on this crisp apple strudel trying to get more and more of it inside me. My best friend and I made up the next day and life was good.

crisp apple strudel wild side confections swezey

Years later when I had moved out of my parents house and was living in the city, things were getting hectic and stressful at work and it was taking a lot out of me. Eventually the work load lessened a bit and I was able to relax a bit but smiles were far and few between. And then one day I was at home after a long day at work when I heard the doorbell ring and as I opened the door, standing in front of me was my mother who had come to town for a visit. I hugged her and let her in and we got to talking about stuff that had been happening and it gave me the opportunity to get some stuff off my chest. Eventually we went to sleep and the next morning I was awakened to a familiar scent, something I haven’t smelt in a long time. Maybe my mom had lit one of the scented candles? I made my way to the kitchen where my mother had just put on the table a Crisp Apple Strudel, those memories from my teen years came back how my mom and this very dish helped me out before. As we feasted we relived the old times, and I felt myself become lighter and happier, thanks to my mom and her Crisp Apple Strudel.

Have you ever tried crisp apple strudel? Do you make it yourself? Leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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[easyazon_link identifier=”B00OLC25C4″ locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]German Apple Strudel Medium 2-Wick Tumbler Candle – Yankee Candle[/easyazon_link]

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