#785 A snow globe shakes up a smile or two

Chances are, if you take a look around your house, you will find a snow globe. You know, those little crystal ball looking things with a diorama inside of anything from the Eiffel Tower or flamingos and when you shake them, it looks like it’s snowing. It’s not something that many of us would be first to admit, so I will. I have a snow globe sitting right here on my desk. I even know where I got it and when. How do I know that? It’s kind of a funny story, so I’ll share it here.

snow globes snowman snowglobe snow globe

Years ago I was visiting friends in California and they suggested we head over to Hollywood so we could take in a show at Whisky A Go Go or maybe it was The Roxy. I can’t remember at the moment. Anyway, here’s where the story takes a turn. I was a bit early so I headed over to one of the seedier parts of North Hollywood to check out a little shop of oddities that is sadly since closed.

Believe me when I say, Barnum and Bailey have nothing on this place! They had some of the most eccentric items I had ever seen! A woman peered from around one of the displays and asked if she could help me. She seemed friendly enough. I explained, as so many of us do to try to avoid the ‘pushy salesman’ that I was ‘just browsing’ and sort of hoping she would leave me alone. She seemed sort of sad not to actually help me so I was determined to find something, anything, that caught my eye. I decided to purchase one of her more ‘normal’ oddities. You guessed it; a snow globe.

snow globes collection

This was no ordinary snow globe and it didn’t have a quaint country setting inside. Inside this snow globe was the Empire State building complete with King Kong climbing his way to the top! I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen and being Hollywood, I had to go home with something movie related. It even has a slot in the back that I can add a picture and make it look as if I am watching the action live.

I did finally meet up with my friends that day and was able to see the sights and sounds of Hollywood but none of it would ever compare to my journey through North Hollywood, that little shop and my fairly normal looking snow globe. Not sure what happened to that specific one. Since then there have been others and if I am not careful there could be more. One thing is for sure, what ever the subject of the snow globe, it will likely make me smile every time I look at it.

snow globes presents snowglobe

Do you have a snow globe or three? Tell us about them. Leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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Make your own [easyazon_link identifier=”B00URVC0FU” locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]Snow Globe[/easyazon_link] today!

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”400″ identifier=”B00URVC0FU” locale=”US” src=”https://www.1ksmiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/61UPbvsSTaL.jpg” tag=”1ksmiles-20″ width=”400″]

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