The Eiffel Tower is one of the world’s most famous landmarks and everyone that sees it, knows that it is synonymous with romance, Paris and every Pepe Le Pew cartoon ever watched as a child. Whatever image the Eiffel Tower creates in your head, it usually comes along with a smile on your face.
Why is that? Is it the architectural and artistic talent that went into building it? Or is it a romantic vacation you have planned or have already been on that sparks those images? It is a romantic place to visit and if you do get reservations at one of the towers famous restaurants, that could make you smile from ear to ear just thinking about it. For me, it is the rich history of the monument that makes me smile the most.
Let me give you some facts about the Eiffel Tower and let you decide what you like most about it. Located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France, the Eiffel Tower is a wrought iron lattice tower named after the famous engineer Gustave Eiffel. It was constructed in 1889 as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair and was criticized by a great many of France’s leading artists and intellectuals because of its design and lack of artistic and engineering soundness. Still, as one of the most recognizable structures in the world, it is the most-visited paid monuments with millions of visitors every year.
The Eiffel Tower has seen two World Wars and much political controversy yet it still stands as a pop culture icon for all of the world to see. The tower was supposed to be taken down after 20 years but the French government decided to keep it for its communication abilities. Over the course of its history, it has been sold as scrap metal twice, ordered taken down by French officials and ordered destroyed by Nazi Germany and aided in the discovery of cosmic rays. They have even used its image in a snow globe you can buy here and we all know how much I like a snow globe. I hear there is even a secret apartment in the Eiffel Tower. No other monument in the world can say that and that is the reason the Eiffel Tower makes me smile.
Have you been to Paris and visited the Eiffel Tower? Leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.
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