#779 The Mona Lisa makes me smile

Ah yes, the Mona Lisa, one of the today’s most cherished paintings centered solely over a beautiful woman with the famous smirk. Said to have been created between 1503 and 1519 by the renowned Leonardo da Vinci. It was in fact, the expression on the woman’s face that sparked worldwide attention because people were so fascinated in wondering, “What was going on in her head to make her showcase such an expression?”

mona lisa smile

We, humans, are curious creatures, and we like to over-analyze situations, as for all we know, hypothetically speaking, Ms. Mona Lisa may have very well had just thought of something funny before Leonardo got star struck by the natural expression that remained on her face at that moment. I don’t say that to denounce the beauty of the expression just sharing how if you over think things other ideas can begin to flood.

There is little actually known about the woman in the painting aside from her being a part of a family from Gherardini Florence. So many speculations and theories surfaced about her connection to da Vinci such as her being his mother, lover, or a random stranger.

mona lisa crowd

To make the painting even more fascinating is that in her left eye there are symbols that have left historians dissecting the origins and what they mean creating a plethora of interpretations. The Mona Lisa will forever be the source of mystery, but if you set yourself up to discover the secret behind something your mind begins to demonstrate anything it wants creating false truths to a story.

The Mona Lisa painting will live on in the hearts of art lovers, intrigue scholars, and the casual viewer due to the speculation of the charming, enigmatic smile that is known to inspire. Whatever the mystery within the beautiful painting by the talented and mysterious Leonardo da Vinci there is no question that a painting can hold emotions more than words can.

mona lisa selfie stick

Have you visit the Louvre in Paris to see the Mona Lisa? Leave a comment and share your opinion and experience. Would love to hear from you.

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Learn more about art by reading [easyazon_link identifier=”0740768727″ locale=”US” tag=”1ksmiles-20″]The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to Post-Modern (Annotated Series)[/easyazon_link] from Amazon today!

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