Like I said in a previous post about Google Earth Street View, you can see a lot of interesting things if you look around on Google Earth. As with Street View, you can also just go to Google Images and search there though one of the things I like to do is explore my city from space. Since I live in a big city I turn on 3D Buildings mode which is a lot of fun.
From Google Earth you can look at places like Little Bavaria owned by Siegfried and Roy or Disneyland.
And like on Google Earth Street View you will occasionally come across some whacky stuff.
Or here is a cool maze I would like to try to solve. It is hard enough from space. Can you imagine actually being inside it?
Of course you know someone had to pay homage to Oprah.
Not everything is so rosy though. Occasionally nefarious acts are caught on film such as this:
Obviously it is a murder scene. It is clear a bloody body is being dragged along the pier and is about to be tossed into the water. The perfect crime.
Or is it?
Like my man Freedom Williams sang, “Things that make you go hmmmm…”
What have you discovered on Google Earth? What areas do you like to explore from space? Let us know in the comments. We would love to check it out too.
[easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”center” asin=”B00AJQY0MY” cloaking=”default” height=”250″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”” tag=”1ksmiles-20″ width=”157″]Googling Earth: Using Google Earth to Explore Your World[/easyazon_image]
Updated in 2015 for that latest version of Google Earth! Googling Earth teaches you to use all of the Google Earth tools AND teaches you how to look at the Earth. Learn to recognize volcanoes, coalmines, islands and glaciers. Explore Magellan’s route, the space age, or Huck Finn’s island. Use map overlays, 3D buildings, and images from the past to understand Rome, clearcutting in the Amazon, and the pyramids. Create a map of places your family lived, your summer vacations to Las Vegas or Disneyland, and your schools and colleges. Discover crop circles, painted roofs, and ancient lines in the sand. Travel to the Moon and see where the Apollo missions landed, or to Mars and follow the expedition of the Curiosity rover. All this in easy-to-follow steps that keep the discoveries coming.
[easyazon_cta add_to_cart=”default” align=”center” asin=”B00AJQY0MY” cloaking=”default” height=”28″ key=”small-light” localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” tag=”1ksmiles-20″ width=”120″]Googling Earth: Using Google Earth to Explore Your World[/easyazon_cta]